Now it doesn't take an expert to design and manage a wellness program.

The features of 411Fit are unprecedented in web-based wellness management - no one has the range or depth of capabilities! Your company does not need an expert to run a 411Fit-developed wellness program. That expertise resides inside 411Fit and is available to you in a customized format to fit your needs and company culture.

So... will 411Fit do my job?

Actually, no. However, when you don't have the expertise in-house, 411Fit will provide you with a "turnkey" program. When wellness management is the task of employees that are not fully dedicated to wellness management:

  • 411Fit can provide a program design that fits your needs.
  • 411Fit can walk your employees through the management process and provide coaching assistance until they are comfortable with a level of features that meet the company's needs.
  • As interest and company expertise grows, more of the advanced 411Fit features are open up to encourage creativity and generate results that increase companywide enthusiasm.

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