Committed employees working together are happier employees.
Every business manager far prefers a committed team working and collaborating to solve problems than singular experts working alone. Time and time again, it has been proven that the best answers and actions come from teams focused on a goal together. That dynamic is never greater than when groups or teams focus on wellness with tools and incentives to reward success. 411Fit is loaded with opportunities for team and groups to experience the enjoyment of succeeding.
Wellness programs increase employee happiness.
411Fit provides group structures that can be designed around particular challenges, or self-formed groups that want to take on challenges or simply social networks that are formed spontaneously with friends and interested others. Plus, 411Fit blogs are available to share information (recipes, interesting links, success stories, etc). These flexible tools encourage employees to form closer bonds and teamwork that carries over into other company process.
Empowering productivity through wellness.
Social Networking
411Fit has full social networking capability with immediate access for employees, as well as management interactions.
Healthy & Happy
When you have your health, you have everything. 411Fit points employees to a healthy and happier lifestyle that makes the work experience more enjoyable as well.
Equitable Rewards
Not all groups are the same. Some groups like to walk, while others like to run. Others like to do strength-building or concentrate on nutrition. 411Fit give teams a variety of ways to earn points in challenges that keeps the playing field level.