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Monday, Dec 12, 2011
We're excited to be increasing the frequency of our blogs and therefore increasing more interaction for YOU, our loyal readers. To accomplish this, we've temporarily relocated our blog. You can access the new location by clicking here: 411Fit Blog.
Tuesday, Nov 22, 2011
Sure, we all know eating too much has its implications. Let’s not dwell on the obvious. And we all know the saying “everything in moderation.” Clearly, Thanksgiving throws a big hand in the face of that one. However, have you ever taken the time to really think about what happens when you overeat? Have you ever wondered if there is more to it than meets the eye? Well let’s sit down with our nemesis overeating and see what we find when we dig into the facts…
Friday, Nov 18, 2011
When we think about the needs of health professionals in today’s ever-evolving health crisis, we don’t put our hands up in mutiny; we put our heads down and keep creating. The creators of 411Fit are passionate about making a lasting impact on the health of our world. We believe that everyone has the opportunity to live a healthier life with the right knowledge and action. This is where you come in.
Tuesday, Nov 8, 2011
In the coming weeks you will be hearing news stories, reading articles and watching commercials keying off the holiday season. One of the most talked about holiday topics? – Food and Weight. It seems like you can’t talk about one without hearing a reference to the other. 411Fit has a challenge for you this holiday season…use this time of festivities and food to learn one of the key components to successful weight loss and health – ACCOUNTABILITY.
Saturday, Oct 29, 2011
‘Tis the season of candy, goodies and big family meals. What starts the cascade of holiday festivities, but our childhood favorite…Halloween! Halloween is one of those holidays that regardless of age I have to admit I look forward to. Really, what is cooler than free candy?
Tuesday, Oct 18, 2011
Top 10 Ways People Are Finding Success with 411Fit
Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011
The City of Dublin, Ohio faced a considerable challenge. They needed to be able to manage, and monitor the progress of, a diverse community wellness program – “Healthy Dublin” – while engaging a wide variety of different community organizations, corporations and individuals.
Tuesday, Jul 12, 2011
It has become increasingly apparent to me that most of us live very stress-filled lives. Sometimes I wonder why we stress ourselves out so much. Why the hurry? Why so many commitments? Believe me, I am no stranger to overcommitting my time and overfilling my plate. Recently I sat down and thought about times in my life where I was nearly stress-free, when relaxation was the name of the game. One thing kept popping up in my mind, summer break from my grade school years. Ahhh, those were the days!
Tuesday, Jun 14, 2011
Every industry goes through its fair share of buzz words. Currently in the realm of health and wellness the word "corporate" has been strongly attached yet loosely understood. What does corporate wellness really mean?
Friday, May 27, 2011
411Fit was a proud sponsor of Wisconsin's FIRST EVER corporate run/walk wellness event and competition. More than 640 runners and walkers representing 50 Wisconsin businesses participated in the race. As the race director I was beyond pleased with the turnout and forever grateful for the support 411Fit offered to our inaugural event.
Monday, May 16, 2011
411Fit feels a strong sense of commitment to promoting and enhancing wellness within the corporate community. That commitment is why 411Fit is proud to be a GOLD sponsor of Wisconsin’s first ever Corporate Championship run/walk event.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
On April 1st 2011 411Fit became an official commercial entity, and on that date it assumed the label of "technology start-up". Now, if the word "start-up" makes you think of two guys in a garage with some great ideas but not much else, then please read on to see how 411Fit differs from your prototypical start-up enterprise.